The Foxhole game
Red Cross organisation

"Aliis inserviendo consumor."
"By serving others,
spending myself."

About the Foxhole Red Cross
The Foxhole game Red Cross organisation is a humanitarian enclave of the ICRC. Established on the 23rd June 2019, it functions as a clan within the Foxhole community and has more than 70 active members. Our primary goal is to improve the standards of care on the battlefields of Caovia, Mesea and Veli.
Medics and volunteers of the Red Cross swore never to use or carry weapons, ammunition and projectiles, in order to both stay true to the humanitarian ideals of the Red Cross, and to increase their effectiveness in providing medical aid.
Our members are protected by the Sunhaven Treaty, which is enforced by our associate organisation, the Sunhaven Guard. We are supported by many prestigious clans, which support our mission.

History of Humanitarian Aid in Foxhole
The Beginning and First Steps
April 2017 - The Establishment of MEDCOM
"I created the MEDCOM unit, because after two months of playing, I have noticed a serious lack of medical knowledge among the community. At the time, many medics wanted to join a dedicated medical clan. I created MEDCOM to unite those who wanted to help others on both sides, without discriminating between uniforms."
"At first, it was slow to start. Some people joined and I showed them the ropes. Things went well until someone named ,,RussianBear" showed up and presented us with an opportunity to become a neutral medical detachment for the new Warden coalition. The negotiations were... interesting. Some of us agreed, while others had their reservations. However, when I informed the Wardens that we were intending on healing both sides, their leadership went ballistic. They wanted my head."
"When the hate spread to the main Foxhole discord server, almost everyone started to despise us. But some didn't. Some recognised our ability to help others. Among them was the PUG. We assisted the PUGs in one of the long wars and they actually thanked us for the medical support. As time went on we tried to help out everywhere we could, but due to all the anger, disdain and derision we regularly received, I eventually decided to put MEDCOM to hibernation, so as to allow the mess to die down. I waited for a long time, and in the Summer of 2017 I tried to revive MEDCOM, envisioning it as a place for medics to share their experiences and teach greenhorns how to help others effectively."
"At the time, I had hoped I could get MEDCOM back on its feet so I can pass it on to others, who would carry on our ideals. Unfortunately, my attempts have fallen flat. Many still held negative opinions about MEDCOM and new medics were not interested. Near the end, MEDCOM had only a handful of members, most of which were inactive.
"And there you go! The short story of why I created MEDCOM and what happened to it. From a medic only clan, to a place to teach medics, to an abandoned building that few take interest in these days."
- The leader and founder of MEDCOM, Sgt. Parker
The MEDCOM project was buried, and all it's revolutionary humanitarian ideas together with it...
2 Years Later...
23rd June 2019
Establishment of the Foxhole game Red Cross organisation
"I don't really remember the day I founded the Foxhole Red Cross. Back then, I never would have imagined what a great organisation it would one day become. I think it was the 23rd of June, because that's the date our Discord server was established, so we are officially using this date as the founding day of the Foxhole Red Cross."
"The Red Cross, and even the idea of creating something like it, came to me when I saw medics on the battlefield making serious mistakes, for which they often paid with their own lives. The very core of the Red Cross started with two ideas. First, creating a medic clan capable of improving and educating current and future medics. Second, protecting unarmed medics. Because why should someone who just wants to help, not harm, be senselessly killed? I didn't see the reason."
"I created a Discord server and named it "Red Cross". I chose this name because I thought that the real life ICRC had very similar goals and ideals to my vision for us. We had a name and an idea. The first person to come in, was Hejmel. He was, and still is, a Colonial and I was always a loyal Warden. We were two people with different uniforms, but sharing the same ideas."
"After this first step came many new members. The beginnings were difficult, as many had first considered us as some kind of continuation of the MEDCOM project, which had unfortunately carried some prejudices. This was also the moment I realised we werent the first pioneers of our humanitarian ideas."
"After a while, I was invited to come to the PressCorps Zero Dark. It was there that I came up with the Idea of the Sunhaven Treaty - a document protecting unarmed medical personnel from harm."
"I later contacted the founder of the now defunct MEDCOM to speak about his efforts in this area and potentially learn from the troubles he went through back in the day. I've also interviewed with the 82nd DK clan. After these interactions, I was overcome with worry, fearing that the Red Cross would end up the same as MEDCOM. These worries eventually culminated in our clan banning our medics from healing soldiers of both sides."
"These were the darkest moments for the Red Cross. Nearly half of all our officer staff, including my right hand, had retired, some of them even started violating the Sunhaven Treaty. I realized that we would not survive such a development for much longer, so I had to take fast and decisive action. I reorganised the Red Cross clan into the new Foxhole game Red Cross organisation and applied for licensing of the Red Cross symbols at the real-life International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). I've also quickly returned to us healing soldiers of both sides again. Our reputation managed to quickly bounce back after that."
The Foxhole game Red Cross organisation now has more than 30 professional members and many more volunteers. It also has 4 associated clans, one of which is fully responsible to the Red Cross leadership."
"We have benefited immensely from the prestige the ICRC has afforded us. Now, nearly 40% of all players follow and respect the Sunhaven Treaty. The Red Cross of today is providing better care, better medical logistics and better medical recruits for everyone."
- The leader and founder of FRC, France

The real-life Red Cross
Established in 1863, the International Committee of the Red Cross operates worldwide, helping people affected by conflict and armed violence and promoting the laws that protect victims of war. An independent and neutral organization, its mandate stems essentially from the Geneva Conventions of 1949. It is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and employs over 20,000 people in more than 80 countries.
News from the ICRC
The Red Cross Red Crescent Magazine:
Find your branch of the Red Cross
International Committee of the Red Cross:
International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent:
The Red Cross in the European Union:
The British Red Cross:
The American Red Cross:
The Foxole game Red Cross organisation is an internal project of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Our use of the Red Cross symbol is permitted by the ICRC.
All images used for our posters are in the public domain. Our media is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0